Funny Things to Ask Amazon Echo Dot

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Hilarious Things You Can Make Alexa Do on the Amazon Echo

Who knew she was this entertaining?!

alexa quirky skills

Alexa can do more than just tell you the weather, make purchases on Amazon, and play music.

1 of 29

Ask Alexa to Have Gordon Ramsay Critique Your Food

Gordon Ramsay

Enable the skill here.

Think you're a master chef? Let's see if Gordon Ramsay agrees. Just make sure kids aren't around. He may use some inappropriate language.

Related: The Most Useful Things to Ask Alexa

2 of 29

Ask Alexa to Make the Tardis Box Land

Doctor Who Tardis Sound FX
Enable the skill here.

Ask Alexa to do pretty much anything related to the Tardis, and she'll make the noises we've all come to know and love from Doctor Who.

More:Shop the Alexa-Enabled Echo Here

3 of 29

Ask Alexa to Raise the Shields (Star Trek-Style!)

Star Trek Red Alert
Enable the skill here.

Alexa will play the red-alert notice if you ask her to activate it! You nerd!

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Turn Alexa Into a WWE Wrestler

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Ask Alexa Any Question and Receive an Evasive Answer That Jeff Sessions Has Given During Congressional Hearings

Questions for Sessions
Enable the skill here.

This app works best when you ask yes-or-no (or true-or-false) questions like "Are you a Russian Spy?" or "Are you secretly a gremlin?" The answer will be some sort of rambling nonsense that was once uttered by Jeff Sessions, only in Alexa's voice!

6 of 29

Turn Alexa Into a Shouting Life Coach Who'll Read Out Motivational Shia LaBeouf Quotes

Motivate Me, Shia LaBeouf!
Enable the skill here.

Remember that "Just Do It" speech Shia LaBeouf made that somehow got over 27 million views? Now you can have Alexa repeat parts of it to you when you really need a good slap on the ass!

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Sound an Air Horn on Your Roommate Who Won't Stop Talking

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Learn Facts About Cats When Your Social Life Is Looking Grim

Funny Cat Facts
Enable the skill here.

Or just whenever you want, because who doesn't need more random facts to share during awkward lulls in conversation?

More:Shop the Alexa-Enabled Echo Here

9 of 29

Become a Learned Scholar by Listening to Haikus About Chicken Nuggets

Chicken Nuggetry
Enable this skill here.

There is no poetry or spoken word more important.

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Listen to Songs With Cowbells in Them Because You've Got a Fever ...

More Cowbell
Enable this skill here.

And the only prescription is more cowbell.

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Learn Crazy Facts That'll Make You Question Your Whole Existence

Crazy Facts
Enable this skill here.

Did you know that hospitals give 12 babies a day to the wrong parents?!?!

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Play Fart Sounds and Fart Jokes to Kids or Other Immature Adults

Fart Sound Jokes
Enable this skill here.

You can never go wrong with a good old fart joke.

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Tell Geeky Jokes That You Can Re-Use With Friends If You're Not Funny

Geek Humor
Enable this skill here.

These nerdy jokes range in topic from science to computers, math to robots, and more. Recycle them as you please.

14 of 29

Receive Compliments That Also Feature the Sounds of Goat Noises

Goat Compliments
Enable the skill here.

Alexa will say something nice about you before (and sometimes after) playing the sound of a screaming goat.

15 of 29

Ask Gollum to Give You Riddles to Solve, You Nerd!

Enable this skill here.

This is, perhaps, the creepiest/nerdiest thing you can make Alexa do. Worth it.

16 of 29

Ask Whether or Not It's Happy Hour and Always Be Met With a Resounding "YES!"

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Get News Briefings That Are Really Just Quotes From Ice T's SVU Character

Enable this skill here.

This is actually the definition of fake news. Take note, Donald.

18 of 29

Ask 'Mom' for Advice When You Need Life Help

Mom Says
Enable this skill here.

This is actually more adorable than it is funny, but getting some mom-advice is never a bad thing!

19 of 29

Play Peanut Butter Trivia to Prove That You're Maybe Too Obsessed

Peanut Butter Trivia
Enable this skill here.

JK! There's no such thing as being too obsessed with peanut butter — it's literally mankind's greatest creation.

20 of 29

Philosophize With the Philosoraptor

Enable this skill here.

Bring some whimsy into your post-work haze by asking the Philosoraptor to share its weird, witty, and fun daily musings.

More:Shop the Alexa-Enabled Echo Here

21 of 29

Make Alexa Decide What Toppings to Get on Your Pizza When You're Too Stoned to Choose

Pizza Toppings
Enable this skill here.

*Or just too indecisive.

22 of 29

Have Alexa Roast Your Friends When You Can't Come Up With Any Good Insults

Roast Master
Enable this skill here.

Apparently she can be brutal, and she's probably wittier than you.

23 of 29

Learn Shakespearean Insults to Hurl at Other People, or Yourself If You Deserve It

Shakespearean Insults
Enable this skill here.

If you've never played around on a Shakespearean insult generator (or even if you have), you'll love hearing Alexa's robot voice repeat these Elizabethan-era insults.

24 of 29

Have a Robot Do Your Smack-Talking for You When You're Too Tired

Smack Talker
Enable this skill here.

You know that annoying thing where you come up with the perfect insult to someone like an hour after you've had an argument? Don't waste out on the opportunity to shit-talk someone just because you're having a brain fart! Alexa will do it for you.

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Ponder Other People's Weird Stoner Thoughts

Stoner Thoughts
Enable this skill here.

Stoner thoughts are like shower thoughts, only weirder.

26 of 29

Find Out If We've Awoken From This Collective Presidential Nightmare Yet

Is Trump President?
Enable this skill here.

In which Alexa delivers you crushing (and snarky) news that this nightmare is actually real life.

27 of 29

Make Alexa Determine Who's Actually Right When You're Arguing With Someone

Who Is Right?
Enable this skill here.

Give Alexa a pre-set list of names and she'll randomly determine who's right so you and your roommate or siblings can finally shut up already.

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Have Alexa Tell You Who the Worst Roommate Is, Even Though You All Suck

Worst Roommate
Enable the skill here.

You can pre-load a set of names that she'll randomly choose from.

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Pin It for Later!

Don't forget to pin the funniest things to ask to Alexa on the Amazon Echo!

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Sally is the former Lifestyle Editor at, where she spent her days covering sales and deals and then trying not to shop them while at work; she also writes about quirky, weird products and fun gadgets!

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